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What Is The True Happiness


The majority of people see it as the cause of their pain and frustration of others than of themselves. After all, wouldn't life is almost perfect, as if the people who are important in our life, what we want, or need, to do what we think is best for them. Indeed, it is this kind of thinking is that increases the suffering! 

Agree that most of today's problems are the most important people in our lives who do not cooperate with us. Can a person have in common with each other? Have you ever had a child who makes a decision that puts them in terrible danger? Did you ever have a change of address or employment opportunities, you decide that you don't agree with? Have your parents ever told is bad for you, what is ?????????? is your self-confidence? Have you ever had a manager who oversaw the work at the micro-level, and never gave up, you do a good job award? I think that you have a good idea. Or a combination of all of these things can be a source of distress for us, and I am sure that you will have to add a few more to the list. 

When we're in situations like these, we feel as if the other people in our lives, not only in our work, and the way in which we want them to be, then we would live a much better, happier, and have more fun. While this is true, I believe it, too. At a time when we are busy with the most important people in our lives in order to do things in the same way, the actions that we usually use to move the others in the direction of his conduct, that the damage, and, ultimately, the destruction of our customers. 

You know, the behavior is what I was talking about: punishment, guilt, complaining, challenging, threatening, criticizing, do not respond to treatment, and, if we are in the very clever, it's a reward out of control, which is also known as a bribe. 

If you are one of those people who are to be the first choice of the business is to deal with it, and the door will open, in order to communicate, as this drug is rare. Ask yourself the following questions: what is the common approach to the negotiations fail? 

I know that it's one of my more sophisticated behavior has been for the noise. I am a world-class grouch, just ask my kids. You know the rules. And when to clean the room today? Thirty minutes after that, the child is still sitting in the front of the??????????, If you are planning to be in this room today? Maybe in a couple of decibels, which is louder, but what do you think about this SONG? Then, at the last frustration, you have to get off your lazy*,# and, clearly, from that empty, empty, empty number!!!!!!!! Have you ever been there? So, what have you done to your room? In my case, as a rule, this was the case. 

However, I've had some parents tell me that will re-sound to work, but then my second question has a different answer to what is the price? How much does it cost to clean a room? First of all, it's the price of losing control and becoming the person that you most likely don't want to be in it, and second of all, it was a given price, the relationship between you and your child. If you are of the opinion that, following an exchange of views, both of you will have to be ready and willing to engage in a meaningful discussion about life, or anything else that you wanted to talk about? Probably not. 

What I'm saying, is that it is likely to go against what you believe, to make the most of your life, and that is, that you and you alone are responsible for your own happiness. If you're expecting someone else to do it, or have something specific to manifest itself in your life to make you happy, you act on the outside, not the inside. 

I'm not here to make you stop whatever you're doing right now. If you want to stick to your belief that if you are a man that is more responsive, and the children are much more vibrant, and your wife is more of a supportive, you're the boss, it is more grateful, or you can make your own education, you can pay with your credit card to buy your first house, and so on. However, for those of you who want to practice the left-hand side of thinking, and we don't like others to have the opportunity to define our happiness or our well-being.

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