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What is karma? How does one know it.?

What is karma? 

How does one know it.?

Buddha said, karma is achithyo.

"Kamma Achithyo" is a subject of the Buddhas.

On various occasions, the Buddha preached to us in a way that people could understand. What is karma, how does one know it, what should be done?


If someone asks you what is the karma that the Buddha preached, what is your answer?


The Buddha said that karma is nothing but "intention." That is our Thoughts.


"Chetana ham bikkha ve kamman vadami" Bhikkhuni, thoughts is karma,


"Cheta Itwa Kamman Karothi - Kaena Vachaya Manasa"


Kaena - from our body

Vachaya  - in our word

Manasa  - in our Mind


From the three doors of mind, body, and word, a thought is born and animals collect karma.


Karma is what happens to us because of what we do, say, and think from the morning of every day.


Those are things we come back to throughout our samsara cycle.


Simply put, “ We reap what we sow. " Every soul.


The Buddha said always think,


Kammassa Komhi - I am someone who has made karma my own


Kamma Dayado - I am an inheritor of karma.


Kamma Patisarano - I am a person who has practiced Karma


Kamma Bando - The only friend I have is karma.


If I do something good, I get the results,  if I do something bad, I get the results.

Let me give you an example,


Karma de Rogo - Sometimes we are born sick. No amount of medicine will cure us, no matter how much medicine we get from the best doctor, it will not cure us.

Sometimes karma delays our recovery, misses the cure, and misses the chance to see the best doctor.


The reason is that we have to pay the karma consequences and we have to pay for that karma and finish it.


Remember that karma comes as a disease with us, Like the rear wheel of a cart.

Anuruddha bhikkhu was a very powerful spiritual monk who was with the Gauthama Buddha. Anuruddha bhikkhu had a beautiful sister,

she was very fond of jewelry and was very proud of her image by assembling and wearing it.

One day this girl developed very severe leprosy all over her body.

While on a pilgrimage, Bhikkhu Anuruddha went to his home and preached the Dhamma to his family, including his parents.


After Anuruddha bhikkhu asked, Mother where is the sister.??


The mother told the Anuruddha bhikkhu about her sister's illness. When returned to the monastery,


Anuruddha bhikkhu looked at the spiritual, What is the cause of my sister's illness?


One soul my sister, a princess!! she envied the king's Other Queens. she envied their image.


The next day she rubbed some poisonous nuts and leaves the beds where the other queens of the king slept.


The queens had leprosy, and they suffered,


after the Anuruddha Bhikkhu realized that this sin which my sister had committed to other queens in a previous soul came back to my sister as karma in this soul.


What is the cure for this ..?


Anuruddha Bhikku saw ,,,


She need to sell the jewelry that his sister had enthusiastically collected and used the proceeds to build a monastery and offer it to the Sangha. From the day the monastery began its work until the last day, my sister's leprosy gradually healed.


look at an example :


Maybe you have a back problem, a leg problem and if it can't be cured you should do a like similar work


Give a wheelchair to another person with back pain and a crutch to someone with a leg problem.


After, you wish!!, and always remember, that my illness would be cured by this good work ( pin ) what I did.


May my evil deeds ( Akusal Kamma ) be subdued and good deeds are born. ( Kusal Kamma )


Do good deeds and always remember those things often, you can change your karma yourself.!!


That is what the Buddha's philosophy points out.!

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